
Engineering for People: UK and Ireland winners announced! News

On Friday 30 June, we concluded the 2022/23 UK and Ireland Engineering for People Design Challenge at the Strathclyde Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow. Learn more about the award-winning designs!

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Meet the judges News

Find out more about the judges for the Engineering for People Design Challenge 2022/23 Grand Finals.

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Engineers hold the key to sustainable living: A response to ‘the planet’s economist’ News

CEO, John Kraus, provides his letter of response to Kate Raworth’s (author of Doughnut Economics) recent article, ‘The planet’s economist: has Kate Raworth found a model for sustainable living?’.

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A look inside the “Ethical Engineer’s Toolbox” News

We caught up with the winners of Reshaping Engineering 2023 about their solution to educate STEM students across all levels of education in ethical engineering.

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From voluntary enterprise to global impact: My journey with Engineers Without Borders UK News

Jon Prichard, Chair of the Board of Trustees 2017-2023, reflects on his 18-year journey with Engineers Without Borders UK.

Jon Prichard
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The results are in for Reshaping Engineering 2023 News

Explore the innovative solutions developed by student and professional teams participating in the Reshaping Engineering 2023 design challenge.

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A new vision for engineering education News

How can engineering educators empower future practitioners to deliver sustainable, ethical and equitable outcomes? Head of Engineering, Emma Crichton, summarises the key reflections of over 90 engineering educators looking to embrace a new vision for engineering education.

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TEDI-London Talks: A conversation with the school for future engineers News

Julia Bregulla, TEDI-London, and Emma Crichton, Engineers Without Borders UK, sit down to discuss the changes required to ensure engineers are equipped to meet global challenges.

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Constructive Conversations: Mind the Gap! News

Watch back the latest instalment of our Constructive Conversations series – Mind the Gap! – a panel discussion exploring the current skills crisis in engineering.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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