Has your Chapter signed the 2024-25 Affiliation Agreement? If not, please do so as soon as possible!

Starting your Chapter

Introduction to Chapters

An introduction to Engineers Without Borders UK and the Chapter network.

Brand guidelines

A guide to support committee members to produce written communications, presentations or other publicity materials for their Chapter.

Chapter Starter Kit

Guidance for getting your Chapter off the ground.

Your self-directed learning journey

A resource to support your individual learning as a Chapter member.

Objective setting

A resource to support committee members to set SMART goals.

Gaining industry support

Tips and tools for connecting with industry professionals.

Chapter projects

Introduction to Chapter projects

Support for Chapters who are interested in running projects.

Beginning a project

This resource is designed to help you tackle the first stages of a starting a new project.

Events and workshops

Chapters events

Tips and ideas to make your Chapter events successful.

Decade of Action: Presentation

Workshop on the Decade of Action and why COP matters.

Decade of Action: Case studies


Decade of Action: Facilitation notes


UN Sustainable Development Goals: Presentation

Workshop introducing the Sustainable Development Goals and how this relates to engineering.

UN Sustainable Development Goals: Facilitation notes

Climate Leadership: Presentation

Workshop climate leadership and how to bring about change.

Climate Leadership: Facilitation notes