Group Content

Getting Started

Welcome to the challenge! We have put some advice together based on our experiences working on projects like these, whilst also considering the confinements of the challenge to help you get started.

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Getting Started

Welcome to the challenge! We have put some advice together based on our experiences working on projects like these, whilst also considering the confinements of the challenge to help you get started.

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Step one: Analyse the context

This step will guide you through the research you will need to carry out to build upon your understanding of the challenge, before proposing any design ideas.

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Step one: Analyse the context

This step will guide you through the research you will need to carry out to build upon your understanding of the challenge, before proposing any design ideas.

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Step two: Define the problem

This is where you identify the problem that you are going to address, and define the design criteria against which you will make your decisions.

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Step two: Define the problem

This is where you identify the problem that you are going to address, and define the design criteria against which you will make your decisions.

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Step three: Explore lots of options

Once you have analysed the context, defined the problem and identified the design criteria, you can start to explore how engineering and your design ability could make a difference.

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Step three: Explore lots of options

Once you have analysed the context, defined the problem and identified the design criteria, you can start to explore how engineering and your design ability could make a difference.

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Step four: Justify your recommendation

This step will support you in justifying and communicating your design to a variety of audiences from your team members to a panel of judges.

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