Group Content

Power for Everyone Everywhere

We are facing challenges in getting and maintaining access for people all around the world. Engineering has a significant role to play in addressing these challenges.

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Population & Demographics

Learn about the demographics of Cape York, including key information on language, age, ethnicity and disability prevalence, which will shape your understanding of the social and cultural norms of the area.

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Geography, Climate & Biodiversity

The Cape York Peninsula is a true peninsula, extending 800km from the Australian mainland into the Torres Strait, surrounded by water on most of its borders and connected to the mainland at the northeastern coast of Australia, stretching 650km wide.

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Industry, Economy and Conservation

Under the Cape York Peninsula Tenure Resolution Programme, ownership and management of land is returned to “Aboriginal freehold land”.

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Water for Everyone Everywhere

Students learn about the importance of water in our everyday lives and the role that engineering plays in its distribution.

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Politics & Local Government

Read a brief overview of the politics and local government of the Cape York Peninsula. 

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Read a brief history of Cape York and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders People, to deepen your understanding of the social and cultural context you’ll be designing in.

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Challenge Areas: Overview

The design brief covers eight key challenge areas. You can focus on one challenge area, or have a solution that addresses multiple. The decision is up to you.

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Built Environment

As land continues to be returned to the Traditional Owners, deficiencies in existing infrastructure need to be addressed. People take pride in maintaining the buildings in homelands and outstations. Non-housing buildings can serve multiple purposes however, some communities must travel great distances to access essential services. Can you think of any ways to provide culturally appropriate and sustainable structures in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?

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