As a member, you are demonstrating your professional commitment to globally responsible engineering. You are joining a diverse network of people who share your commitment and will inspire, support, and help build your confidence to put this into action.

Sign the commitment below!

Member commitment - complimentary

Step 1 of 2

  • Engineers Without Borders UK is committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy. We will not sell your details to third parties or share them with other charities. By completing this form, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please contact us on [email protected].
  • I will take action to transform engineering so that it meets the needs of all people and our planet. I will be:

    I will put global responsibility at the heart of engineering. I will own my responsibility in this.

    I will consider all of the consequences that my decisions could have. I will work to ensure that the needs of people and our planet are prioritised.

    I will ensure that diverse viewpoints and knowledge are heard, included and respected throughout the engineering process. I will advocate for those not in the room.

    Regenerative. I will restore and regenerate rather than just reducing impact. I will play my part in regenerating ecological systems.
  • Signed by:
  • Below are some example actions that you can take to embed these principles into your day to day. Select the actions you would like to priorities, we recommend selecting up to 4.
  • Please share any other actions you will take.
  • Enter your email address so we can send you a copy of the commitment.