We are delighted to welcome Professor Goudarz Poursharif as the newest member of our Board of Trustees. With a rich career dedicated to embedding sustainability in engineering education, Goudarz brings a wealth of expertise and passion for developing the next generation of globally responsible engineers.

A trailblazer in sustainable engineering education

Over the past decade, Goudarz has dedicated himself to embedding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into engineering curricula at the University of Sheffield and Aston University. Tirelessly working to bridge the gap between academia and industry, he has developed innovative Degree Apprenticeships and Work-Based Learning programmes that empower students from all backgrounds to thrive.

His leadership in these areas has garnered praise across the higher education sector, including Aston University’s Triple Gold TEF (Teaching Excellence Framework) accreditation in 2023, where his delivery of our flagship Engineering for People Design Challenge was highlighted as a standout feature.

Beyond his contributions to Aston University, Goudarz has also mentored over 40 educators across the sector and helped various UK institutions develop their own ESD and Work-Based Learning initiatives. His influence is felt far beyond the classroom, as he continuously works towards making engineering education more inclusive, sustainable, and impactful.

Globally responsible engineering

Goudarz’s drive to educate future engineers is grounded in his belief that engineering is a powerful tool for positive change. “Engineers design solutions for real-life problems and have been essential in improving our lives,” he explains. 

“Teaching engineering helps create the future changemakers that our world needs.”

At the core of his philosophy is a deep commitment to global responsibility. To him, this concept means recognising our collective duty to address global issues like climate change. “We must approach these challenges in ethical, environmental, socially, and economically sustainable ways,” he emphasises.

For Goudarz, the role of education is vital in shaping engineers who understand the far-reaching consequences of their decisions. 

“Engineering education creates a sense of ethics and professional responsibility. Engineers must understand the consequences of their decisions on communities, ecosystems, and the world at large. Ethical considerations are essential for developing sustainable solutions and technologies that benefit society without causing harm.”

Overcoming challenges in engineering education

One of the most pressing challenges in today’s engineering education, according to Goudarz, is integrating sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility into traditional curricula. He acknowledges that this shift often requires interdisciplinary approaches and significant curriculum redesign, which can be difficult for educators to implement. 

“Ensuring engineers respect diverse cultural, social, and economic contexts can be challenging, especially in globally interconnected projects,” he says. The key, in his view, lies in creating a well-rounded educational experience that balances technical expertise with a strong sense of ethics.

At Aston University, Goudarz has been a leader in this transformation. He spearheaded the redesign of all foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate programmes in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, incorporating a holistic approach to global responsibility. This work has led to the successful launch of initiatives such as Aston’s MSc in Sustainable Engineering and a partnership with Efficiency for Access, reinforcing the integration of real-world sustainability challenges into the curriculum.

Joining the Board at Engineers Without Borders UK

Having worked closely with Engineers Without Borders UK since 2012, Goudarz is no stranger to our mission and values. His long-standing collaboration with us, particularly in areas related to curriculum transformation, motivated him to join the Board. 

“I strongly believe in the mission of Engineers Without Borders UK. My main motivation is to help drive meaningful curriculum transformation across the education sector in the coming years.”

Through his role on the Board, Goudarz aims to amplify the impact of our educational initiatives and ensure that engineers of the future are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to address global challenges responsibly.

A message for engineering educators

For educators seeking to drive change at their institutions, Goudarz’s advice is clear: 

“Create a vision that focuses on transdisciplinary skills informed by both internal and external stakeholders. Find the most meaningful educational models for delivering those skills based on your institution’s context and examples of best practice.”

As we welcome Goudarz Poursharif to our Board of Trustees, we are excited about the expertise, vision, and passion he brings. Together, we look forward to continuing our mission to put global responsibility at the heart of engineering education and practice.

Meet the rest of the Engineers Without Borders UK team!

Professor Goudarz Poursharif

Goudarz is a Professor of Sustainable Engineering and the founding Director of Aston Professional. A Chartered Engineer and member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), he is also recognised as a National Teaching Fellow and an Advance HE Principal Fellow.