Our interactive, hands-on workshops run by ambassadors and teachers inspire the next generation of globally responsible engineers. They encourage more young people, from diverse backgrounds, to choose careers in engineering.

Students learn about the power of engineering to reshape the world around them and its range of applications.

The workshops span several areas of the curriculum and can broaden the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils. All our ambassadors are part of the national STEM Ambassador programme. They are all eligible to work with young people.

We offer two workshops that build on the Sustainable Development Goals and the concept of global citizenship. Each workshop focuses on the role engineering plays in serving a specific human need.

Host a workshop

We have adjusted our Power for Everyone Everywhere workshop to be delivered virtually. If you’d like us to deliver one of these workshops at your school, group or other event, please contact us at outreach@ewb-uk.org.

As a teacher, you can also deliver the workshops yourself. You’ll find everything you need on the workshop pages below.

Water for Everyone Everywhere

Students learn about the importance of water in our everyday lives and the role that engineering plays in its distribution.

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Power for Everyone Everywhere

We are facing challenges in getting and maintaining access for people all around the world. Engineering has a significant role to play in addressing these challenges.

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Become an ambassador

Run interactive workshops in schools to open young minds to the possibilities of a career in engineering.

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Give feedback

If you’ve recently had a visit from one of our lovely ambassadors, please let us know how you found the experience.

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