
What’s this all about then?!

Step two: Define the problem

This is where you identify the problem that you are going to address, and define the design criteria against which you will make your decisions.

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Step one: Analyse the context

This step will guide you through the research you will need to carry out to build upon your understanding of the challenge, before proposing any design ideas.

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Getting Started

Welcome to the challenge! We have put some advice together based on our experiences working on projects like these, whilst also considering the confinements of the challenge to help you get started.

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Individual Commitment Complimentary

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Individual commitment

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Upcoming events

Register to attend our upcoming events including networking events, webinars and design challenges.

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Have your voice heard News

Member opportunity! As a member, you have the opportunity to contribute your voice to shape our future and influence the engineering sector to be more globally responsible. We are now inviting our members to contribute to a review of the Engineering Council’s revised Guidance on Risk.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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The 2021 student designathon  News

Join us for our month-long national Designathon! We are so pleased to be launching this multi-disciplinary Design Challenge encouraging students from UK universities to design solutions for a real world design brief whilst considering the social, environmental and economic impacts of their innovations. Find out more and sign up here!

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Annual review 2019/20

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