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Case Study: Benny Mclauchlan

The Glasgow Riverside Innovation District (GRID) is an innovation district developed in partnership between the University of Glasgow, Glasgow City Council and Scottish Enterprise. 

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Case Study: Dr Alan Leslie

Alan is an Archaeologist and has worked in Govan on and off for around 30 years. He sits on the Friends of Elder Park group committee to help the local authority maintain the park and explore opportunities to enhance it. 

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Case Study: Allan Bell

Allan is the chair of Govan Community Council. They provide a forum for discussing issues and opportunities to Govan and decide on how to take forward campaigns for improvements.

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Case Study: Adnan Enawi

Adnan Enawi is a community member and volunteer at the Voices of Experience Group. Adnan Enawi has lived and worked in Glasgow since 2013. Adnan lived in Govan while he was studying.

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Case Studies: Overview

These case studies feature a diverse range of people, businesses and experts on life in Govan, interviewed in April 2022. The case studies set out a perspective from (or those working with) the diverse communities in Govan and highlight the unique challenges of refugees and people seeking asylum, and opportunities for improvement.

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further resources

Further Resources

Take the time to explore these resources which provide some extra detail on challenge areas.

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transport govan


Public transport is essential for Govan residents. Costs and long travel times can be prohibitive to those on low-income who rely on public transport to access food banks, essential services and the community. Sustainable transport and active travel links have a renewed focus in the Glasgow area.

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digital govan


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the important role digital access plays in being an active member in society but has also emphasised the existing digital inequalities like never before. The costs of devices, interference and WIFI can be a barrier to accessing services in the area.

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Food can bring communities together, supporting good health and mental wellbeing through sharing meals, spaces to grow food and market events.

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