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waste govan


Reduced waste collection and limited recycling in Govan leads to issues of cleanliness, rats and fly tipping and risks polluting areas such as Elder Park and the River Clyde.

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Energy - fuel


The UK’s Climate Emergency declaration and the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report detail the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels and towards renewable sources of energy. Renewable sources, low-carbon and energy efficiency are all a part of Scotland’s ambitious climate and energy targets.

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Sanitation - govan


Years of industrial activity and wastewater discharge into the River Clyde has been detrimental to the river quality. Limited public toilet access became more visible as lockdowns eased during the COVID-19 pandemic and outdoor socialising increased. Education and transparent information about public sanitation services can improve behaviour change and improve accessibility.

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Water- Govan


Water is plentiful and of good quality in Govan. However, the impacts of climate change lead to greater consideration of water use and long-term, responsive approaches to managing the increase of flooding in Govan for future years.

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Built Environment

The physical landscape of Govan has been shaped and influenced by its waterfront location on the River Clyde. Govan’s physical isolation, ageing buildings and decline of the shipbuilding industry has led to derelict land and abandoned infrastructure.

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challenge areas

Challenge Areas: Overview

The design brief covers eight key challenge areas. You can focus on one challenge area, or have a solution that addresses multiple. The decision is up to you.

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Industry & Economy

The widening and deepening of the River Clyde enabled greater expansion of trade, industrial development and intensive urbanisation.

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Read a brief history of Govan, to deepen your understanding of the social and cultural context you’ll be designing in.

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population and local government

Politics & Local Government

Learn more about the politics, local government and asylum and refugee policy in Govan and the UK. 

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