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Annual reviews

Explore our annual reviews over the last 15 plus years to see how our movement has evolved.

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Choose hope News

We are excited to be publishing our 2019/20 annual review, Choose Hope, where we not only looked back on our achievements over the last year but found hope in the potential of engineering, as we look ahead to some of the most pivotal years in our planet’s future.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Turning the tide of engineering ethics News

At a time when engineering’s societal and environmental impact is becoming clearer, an upgrade of engineering ethics is required. Learn more about how we have been driving this tide change.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Anglo American Foundation

Anglo American Foundation are Engineers Without Borders UK’s longest serving supporter, having funded us since 2004. Thanks to Anglo American Foundation’s transformative support we have grown the Engineering for People Design Challenge to reach over 63,000 students, as well as launching the 2021 – 2030 strategy.

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Spirax Group

Spirax Group’s support has enabled Engineers Without Borders UK to deliver against our mission to radically transform the culture of engineering, providing Spirax Group’s staff, skills based volunteer opportunities including reviewing and judging for the Engineering for People Design Challenge.

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Publitek provides pro-bono PR and communications support to Engineers Without Borders UK assisting us in developing key messaging, ensuring that we maximise the reach of our message of global responsibility and supporting us to showcase the stories of those in our network.

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An open letter: If not now, when? News

Together with our international movement of Engineers Without Borders organisations, we applaud the proposed updates to the international framework, but a key component is missing — to address this century’s complex problems, engineers must also be able to reflect on and think critically about the role of engineering itself.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Our trustees and governance News

To mark Trustee Week we have spoken to a handful of our trustees to learn why they become involved and learn what being a trustee involves. 

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Milly Hennayake

Learn how Milly’s experience in a university Chapter shaped her career and has gone onto inspire the next generation of engineers.

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