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George Mosomi

Learn more about George’s work in the renewable energy sector in Kenya and how his experience of reviewing submissions for the Engineering for People Design Challenge has shaped his outlook on projects in his home country.

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Extinction: The facts News

One in eight species are at risk of rapidly becoming extinct. We consider if engineering contributing or mitigating this drastic loss in biodiversity?

Engineers Without Borders UK
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A moment for change? News

The global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted much of our way of life. Whilst it shouldn’t take a pandemic and loss of life, is there now a real opportunity to transition to a new economic model that works for all people and the planet?

Engineers Without Borders UK
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The three lessons I learnt leading a Chapter News

Read former President of the UCL Chapter, Isha’s experience of being part of our movement in university and the lessons she has learnt. A must read for Chapter committee members!

Isha Kulkarni
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The stories behind the statistics News

Watch our insightful panel discussion covering racism and engineering with panellists; Dr Udonna Okeke who founded the BAME Girls in Engineering project; Georgia Thompson co-founder of D-vers-ty and Mara Makoni, External Relations Lead at the Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers UK.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Efficiency for Access Design Challenge Forum

This platform is available to students enrolled in the 2020-21 Efficiency for Access Design Challenge, as well as past participants. The discussion forum allows you to collaborate and connect with students from universities.

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Discussing Racism and Engineering News

Attend our next virtual panel discussion where our panelists will explore the current state of representation in the sector and question what actions need to be taken to provide opportunities and welcome a more diverse cohort of engineers.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Sign in to your Engineering for People Design Challenge

Are you a participating student in the Engineering for People Design Challenge? Click here to sign in.

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Building Community Leaders News

Building Community Leaders, a virtual training series running throughout August, preparing those within university who are actively involved with Engineers Without Borders UK, for the year ahead. 

Engineers Without Borders UK
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