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Engineers declare climate emergency News

The climate and biodiversity emergency declaration commits industry firms that operate all over the planet to recognise the emergency that is happening.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Girl works on a robot design sitting at a table

Workshops in schools

Our interactive, hands-on workshops run by ambassadors and teachers inspire the next generation of globally responsible engineers. They encourage more young people, from more diverse backgrounds, to choose careers in engineering.

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Terms and conditions

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London from above

Global Grand Challenges Summit: ticket giveaway News

We’ve launched a survey to learn as much as we can about the incredible individuals that make up our community, because we want to maximise the potential of our growing movement.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Support from volunteer strengthens TONIBUNG team News

Volunteer Miriam reflects on the first few months of her placement supporting remote rural communities with power generation in Malaysia.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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EWB Challenge Student Welcome

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Case study East Africa: Green energy revolution

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Engineering for People Design Challenge

Embedded in the engineering curriculum of 10,000 first and second year students, this challenge allows students to investigate and respond to real-world problems at an early stage in their education. It ensures that the human and social impact of engineering forms a foundation to their learning and that they develop the skills they need to operate and innovate in the complex global workplace.

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Global responsibility issues

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