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Nhean Nhroeun

Nhroeun holds two roles in Pu Ngaol; he is the Deputy Village Chief and also a member of the community committee. Outside of his roles in the community, He also works on a rice farm and collects resin from the forest with his family.

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Mreal Sao

Sao is a farmer in Pu Ngaol. He also works as a freelance builder and a community patrol agent (CPA) helping to monitor illegal activities in the surrounding forest.

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Ella Guthrie

Ella works as an Environmental Engineer for the Engineers without Borders Australia Cambodia office as a field professional. She has recently conducted research with Pu Ngaol residents to understand their day-to-day life and culture to learn how technology could support them in some of the challenges that they face in their daily lives.

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Chen Saitevy

Saitevy is a 19 year old farmer, who lives in Pu Ngoal village with her family. Her day-to-day work is determined by the farming season which runs from May until December. She adheres to the traditions and religious practices that have been passed down through generations.

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Chanrika Keo

Keo studied biological engineering and now works with a team in Pu Ngaol to deliver workshops in the community to understand what challenges they may face.

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Amnus Nhoeb

Nhoeb lives in Pu Ngaol village and follows the traditional cultural practice, called Preas Sen, that is integral to his heritage. He is a rice farmer and collects resin from the forest.

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Step 4: Justify your recommendation

This step will support you in justifying and communicating your design to a variety of audiences from your team members to a panel of judges.

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Step 3: Explore lots of options

Once you have analysed the context, defined the problem and identified the design criteria, you can start to explore how engineering and your design ability could make a difference.

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Step 2: Define the problem

This is where you identify the problem that you are going to address, and define the design criteria against which you will make your decisions.

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