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Protected: Getting Started

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Step 1: Analyse the context

This step will guide you through the research you will need to carry out to build upon your understanding of the challenge, before proposing any design ideas.

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Protected: Explore the community

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Simon Joe Portal

Discover how Si-Joe’s work in the humanitarian and development sectors has shaped his understanding of why and how context should influence engineering solutions.

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Engineering for People: UK and Ireland winners announced! News

On Friday 30 June, we concluded the 2022/23 UK and Ireland Engineering for People Design Challenge at the Strathclyde Technology and Innovation Centre in Glasgow. Learn more about the award-winning designs!

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Meet the judges News

Find out more about the judges for the Engineering for People Design Challenge 2022/23 Grand Finals.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Engineers hold the key to sustainable living: A response to ‘the planet’s economist’ News

CEO, John Kraus, provides his letter of response to Kate Raworth’s (author of Doughnut Economics) recent article, ‘The planet’s economist: has Kate Raworth found a model for sustainable living?’.

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Download the Global Responsibility Competency Compass

Download your free copy of the Global Responsibility Competency Compass.

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Global Responsibility Competency Compass

The Global Responsibility Competency Compass points practitioners to the capabilities needed to stay relevant and provides practical ways for them to develop themselves. Download your free copy.

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