
Welcome to this page, here we will tell you about it.

Population & Demographics

Learn more about Govan’s population and demographics. 

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The Area

Govan is an urban community located on the south-side of the River Clyde. It is an area with a rich history and heritage that has been shaped by its physical waterfront location. It is one of the most historically significant areas in Glasgow that has been transformed across the years.

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Twelfth year of the Design Challenge News

Learn more about this year’s Engineering for People Design Challenge community partner, Govan Community Project. 

Engineers Without Borders UK
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Communities aren’t just built from bricks and mortar. Places and the people that live or have lived there, help develop a sense of community.

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Case Study: Yvonne Reilly

Govan Thriving Place is one of 11 neighbourhood intensive approaches by the Glasgow City Council. Each Thriving Place has a community connector who identifies priorities and improvements for Govan residents.

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Case Study: Youseef Mikhaiel

Youseef is originally from Egypt and volunteers with Govan Community Project. He graduated during the COVID-19 pandemic with a degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of Glasgow.

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Case Study: Traci Kirkland

Traci has been a Govan resident for six years and has been the Head of Charity of Govan Community Project since 2019. Her role includes overseeing full operational management including securing funds, monitoring and evaluation, supporting and developing new services for the community and supporting the staff team.

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Case Study: Sedia Dibassy

Sedia came from Gambia to the UK in 2012 as someone seeking asylum. He initially stayed in Govan for six months before moving to Maryhill.

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Case Study: Dr. Rhys Williams

Rhys is a lecturer at the University of Glasgow in Energy and Environmental Humanities. Rhys works on community engagement in the GALLANT project through the community engagement workstream.

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